main playing on guitar


Welcome to the Education page of the Royal Philharmonic Society (RPS). We are passionate about music education and dedicated to providing enriching experiences, resources, and support for students, educators, and aspiring musicians. Through our comprehensive educational programs, workshops, scholarships, mentoring initiatives, and educational resources, we strive to inspire and empower the next generation of musicians, while fostering a lifelong love and appreciation for music.

Music Education Partnerships

indian kid study music

We strongly believe in the power of collaboration and partnerships to enhance music education. The RPS collaborates with schools, music education institutions, and community organizations to establish music education partnerships. These partnerships aim to provide access to high-quality music programs, resources, and expertise. By working together, we ensure that students have the opportunity to explore, develop, and flourish in their musical talents.

Through our music education partnerships, we support music departments by providing funding for instruments, music resources, and educational materials. We facilitate artist visits to schools, giving students the chance to interact with and learn from professional musicians. Additionally, we offer mentorship programs where students can receive personalized guidance and support from experienced musicians, further enriching their musical development.


We recognize the importance of financial support in enabling talented students to pursue their musical aspirations. The RPS offers scholarships to students who demonstrate exceptional musical ability, dedication, and potential. These scholarships provide financial assistance for higher education in music, attendance at prestigious music academies, or participation in specialized music programs.

Our scholarships aim to remove financial barriers and open doors to opportunities that will further students’ musical growth and professional development. Detailed information about eligibility criteria, application procedures, and deadlines can be found on our website. We encourage passionate and talented students to explore these scholarship opportunities and take a step closer to realizing their musical dreams.

Mentoring Programs

music education

We understand that guidance from experienced professionals can greatly influence and shape a young musician’s journey. The RPS offers mentoring programs designed to provide aspiring musicians with personalized advice, career development insights, and artistic mentorship. Through one-on-one mentoring relationships, emerging artists receive guidance, support, and encouragement as they navigate their musical careers.

Our mentoring programs connect talented individuals with accomplished professionals who share their knowledge, experiences, and expertise. These mentorship opportunities help participants develop their musical skills, gain industry insights, and build networks within the music community. We regularly announce mentoring opportunities on our website, and we encourage young musicians to seize these valuable chances for growth and mentorship.

Educational Resources

We believe that access to comprehensive educational resources is essential for fostering musical learning and exploration. On our website, we provide a diverse range of resources, including articles, guides, educational materials, and interactive tools, designed to enhance music education experiences for students and educators alike.

Our educational resources cover various topics, from music theory and history to performance techniques and career guidance. Whether you are a student seeking to deepen your understanding of music or an educator looking for teaching materials and curriculum support, our resources are freely available to assist you in your musical journey.

Join Us in the Journey of Music Education

At the RPS, we are committed to creating a vibrant and inclusive music education environment. We invite students, educators, and music enthusiasts to engage with our educational initiatives, attend our workshops and masterclasses, and explore our educational resources. Stay connected with us through our website and social media platforms to receive updates on upcoming events, scholarship opportunities, and mentoring programs.

Together, let us celebrate the transformative power of music and ensure that every student has the opportunity to pursue their musical passions. By providing access, support, and inspiration, we can foster a new generation of musicians who will shape the future of music and enrich our communities with their talents.